Adult Drug Court Program

What Is The Adult Drug Court Program?

The Adult Drug Court Program is an intensive, individualized, outpatient treatment-focused program designed to reduce the negative impact of drug abuse and addiction on the individual, his or her family and the community as a whole. The program is highly structured and demands participant accountability.

Who Is Eligible To Participate?

The program duration is one to two years in length, and only non-violent defendants will be eligible to participate. The participants will be required to complete assigned drug screens, attend Adult Drug Court sessions, attend group therapy/counseling, pay restitution to their victims, attend self-help meetings and retain lawful employment or educational endeavors. The participants are required to pay all required fees associated with drug testing and treatment. The Adult Drug Court sessions are held bi-weekly and the progress of all participants is reviewed by the Drug Court Judge.

Upon completion of all program requirements, the participants will have their drug court charge(s) dismissed, and the charges are eligable for expungement. If a person fails to complete the program, the participant will be terminated from the Adult Drug Court program and the individual’s original General Sessions sentence will be imposed.

Adult Drug Court Program

Attn: Dr. An-Na Ousley
109 Park Avenue SE
P.O Drawer 3368
Aiken, SC 29802

Phone: 803.642.1557, ext. 114
Fax: 803.642.1566